Список принятых в атомной энергетике сокращений

Акронимы на русском языке
Акронимы на английском языке
Список организаций

Цель данного пособия - предложить возможный вариант рассшифровки, некоторые аббревиатуры могут иметь двойное и более толкование.

Я начал составлять этот список ещё до переезда в Финляндию, тогда он был в основном из русских акронимов.

В 2016-м продолжил когда работал на строительстве АЭС Олкилуото 3 .

Тогда был в несколько раз увеличен англоязычный раздел.

Некоторых предложенных аббревиатур я на практике не встречал.

ТипАкронимЗначение Коммен- тарийСсылка
АДЭ двухцелевой (наработка оружейного плутония и получение электроэнергии) энергетический промышленный уран - графитовый реактор (ПУГР).
АЗ Активная зона NRC Nuclear reactor core wiki
АЭС атомная электростанция NPP Nuclear Power Plant wiki
БЗТ блок защитных труб
БР быстрый реактор (на быстрых нейтронах)
БН быстрые нейтроны
ВАО ВысокоАктивные Отходы
ВВЭР водо-водяной энергетический реактор PWRPressurized Water Reactor wiki
ВЗО Внутренняя Защитная Оболочка реакторного здания.

ВЗО – один из важнейших элементов систем безопасности энергоблока, препятствующий выходу радиоактивных веществ в окружающую среду
ВОУ Высоко Обогащённый Уран
ГПД газообразные продукты деления
ORG ГХК Горно - химический комбинат ГХК - Вики
ГЦЗ Газо- центрифужный завод
ГЦН главный циркуляционный насос
ГЦТ главный циркуляционный трубопровод
ЕГАСКРО Единая Государственная Автомати- зированная Система Контроля Радиационной Обстановки
ЖРО Жидкие Радиоактивные Отходы
ЗНД запаздывающие нейтроны деления
ЗЯТЦ замкнутый ядерный топливный цикл
ИПУ импульсно предохранительное устройство
ИТИскопаемое топливо Fossil fuel wiki
КВ коэффициент воcпроизводства
КВД Корпус Высокого Давления RPV
КД Компенсатор Давления Pressurizer
Ки 1 Кюри = 3,7·1010 радиоактивных распадов в секунду Ci Кюри
КИУМ коэффициент использования установленной мощности
ЛВР лёгководный реактор
МБИР Многоцелевой Быстрый Иссле- довательский Реактор МБИР
ORGМОЗММеждународная организация законодательной метрологии
МТОМатериально-техническое обеспечение
ORGМЭ министерство энергетики
ORGНИИАР Научно - Иссле- довательский Институт Атомных Реакторов НИИАР
НОУ низкообогащеный уран
ОК Обеспечение Качества
ОП оружейный плутоний
ОТВС Облучённые (отработанные) Тепловыделяющие Сборки
ОУ обогащенный уран
ОУП обогащенный урановый продукт
ОЯТ отработавшее ядерное топливо
Паровая турбина Stream Turbine wiki
ПАТЭС плавучая атомная электростанция
ПД продукты деления
ПГ парогенератор
ПРНБПрограммы Разработки Норм ядерной Безопасности
ПУГРПромышленный Уран - графитовый Реактор
РАО радиоактивные отходы
РБМК реактор большой мощности канальный
РИД результат интеллектуальной деятельности
РНТД результат научно-технической деятельности
РРРадиоактивный распад Radioactive Decay wiki
РУ реакторная установка
САОСреднеАктивные Отходы
САОЗ система аварийного охлаждения активной зоны
СПВСкважинное Подземное Выщелачивание
ORGСХКСибирский химический комбинат СХК - Википедия
СУЗ средства управления защитой
СУР Сигнализатор Уровня Радиации
ТВС Тепло- выделяющие Сборки
Теплообменник Heat Exchanger wiki
ТМ тяжелый металл
ТМЦТоварно - материальные ценности
ТР тепловой реактор (на тепловых нейтронах)
ORGТСЭТех Снаб Экспорт Тех Снаб Экспорт
ТУК транспортно-установочный комплекс
ТЭН Тепло - Электро - Нагреватель
ТЯРТеплоноситель ядерного реактора NRC Nuclear Reactor Coolant wiki
УКВР улучшенный кипящий водяной реактор
ФГУПФедеральное Государственное Унитарное Предприятие
ХДКВ хранилище для длительной контролируемой выдержки
ХОЗО хранилище для окончательного хранения отходов
ЦЯР цепная ядерная реакция NCRNuclear Сhain Reaction wiki
ЭП энергетический плутоний
ЯД ядерное деление Nuclear Fissionwiki
ЯР ядерный реактор Nuclear Reactorwiki
ЯТ ядерное топливо Nuclear Fuelwiki
ЯТЦ ядерный топливный цикл
ЯЭ ядерная энергетика
ЯЭР ядерный энергетический реактор
ЯЭУ ядерная энергетическая установка

Акронимы на английском языке

Nuclear Power Acronyms
Type Acronym or symbol Meaning Comment Link or extra comment
ABB A document classification code corresponding to reports and meeting minutes
ABWR Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Улучшенный кипящий водяной реактор
ADSR Accelerator Driven Subctritiacal Reactor Гибридный реактор: Подкритический реактор + источник нейтронов
AIMS Areva Infromation Management System
ORG ANDRA L'Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs Национальное агентство Франции по обращению с радиоактивными отходами
APC AirPlane Crash
ASB As-built
ORG ASN French Nuclear Safety Authority
ATWS Anticipated Transient Without SCRAM
AVS Annulus Ventilation System
BDL Break Down Level
BL Base Load Base load
BNI Balance of Nuclear Island
BNI Business Network International
BPW Burst Pressure Wave
Bq 1 bequerel = 1 nucleus decay per second * Becquerel
* The becquerel (symbol Bq) is the SI derived unit of radioactivity. One becquerel is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second. The becquerel is therefore equivalent to an inverse second, s−1. The becquerel is named after Henri Becquerel, who shared a Nobel Prize in Physics with Pierre and Marie Curie in 1903 for their work in discovering radioactivity
BWB Box Within a Box The “box within a box” principle is to create a closed volume isolated from the main civil-engineering structure by intermediate elastic supports that damp the vibrations transmitted by neighbouring installations
BWR BWR реактор с кипящей водой, аналог кипящего водо-водяного реактора
CAE Certified As Executed
CAR Corrective Action Request
CC Core Catcher
CC Component Cooling
CCC Commissioning Clearance Certificate
CCWS Component Cooling Water System
CDF Core Damage Frequency
CE Commissioning Engineer
CE Contract Effective (Date)
CEAR Construction Erection All Risk
CED Contract Effective Date
ORG CEIP Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
CEMDS Condition of Equipment or Material upon Delivery on Site They are in the warehous drive site management 5-warehouse -material receiving inspection
CFC Certified for Construction
ORG CFS Consortium Framatome – Siemens Consortium AREVA NP GmbH – AREVA NP SAS – Siemens AG
CFT Cold Functional Test
CFTRVO Cold Functional Test with Reactor Vessel Open
CGCS Combustible Gas Control System
ORG CGN China General Nuclear
ORG CGNPC China General Nuclear Power Group China Guangond Nuclear Power Holding
CHF Critical Heat Flux
CHRS Containment Heat Removal System
CHRSHE Containment Heat Removal System Heat Exchanger
CHRSHX Containment Heat Removal System Heat Exchanger
CI Commissioning Instruction
CI Construction Inspection
CI Conventional Island
Ci 1 Curie = 3.7 × 10^10 decays per second (37 GBq) * Curie
* "The curie (symbol Ci) is a non-SI unit of radioactivity, named 'in honour of' Pierre Curie, according to his widow, the famed radiation researcher Marie Curie.

It was originally defined as ""the quantity or mass of radium emanation in equilibrium with one gram of radium (element)"" but is currently defined as: 1 Ci = 3.7 × 1010 decays per second after more accurate measurements of the activity of 226Ra (which has a specific activity of 3.66 x 1010 Bq/g.[3])

In 1975 the General Conference on Weights and Measures gave the becquerel (Bq), defined as one nuclear decay per second, official status as the SI unit of activity. Therefore: "
CIAR Construction Installation All Risk
CIB Commissioning Inspections of NI Buildings
CID Configuration Identification Document CID Review Sheet process
CIS Core-internals storage
CIT Conformed In Transit There are some missing documents so you can not take it from the warehouse
CMP Configuration Management Plan
COEDM Common Electronic Document Management
COM Communications
COTC Core Outlet Thermocouple
CP Construction Plan
CR Change Request
CR Clarification Request
CR Control Room
CR Contract Resposible
CRDM Control Rod Drive Mechanism
CS Cover Sheet
CTCN Consortium Technical Change Note
CTT Containment Tightness Test
CVCS Chemical and Volume Control System
cw Calendar Week
CW Civil Works
CWP Customer witness point
CWS Commissioning Worksheet
CYE Check Your Email
Type Acronym or symbol Meaning Comment Link or extra comment
DAS Document Approval Sheet
DBC Design Basis Conditions
DC Declaration of Conformity
DCC Document Classification Code
DCTM Documentum
DCR Design Change Request Open Point type e.g.
DE Design Earthquake
DEC Design extension conditions (e.g. complex sequence of severe accidents)
DEN Document Evolution Notice
DIR Data Information Requests
DIS Documents for Information and Scrutiny
DM Design Manual (compilation of Design Procedures)
DMR Design Modification Request
DMS Document Management System
DNBI Departure from Nucleate Boiling (Ration)
ORG DOE Department of Energy DOE
DP Design Procedure
DR Deviation Report
DSA Deterministic Safety Analysis
DT Destructive Testing
DQM Data Quality Monitor
EBITDA Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization EBITDA
EBS Emergency Borating System
EBS Extra Borating System
ECA Emergency Control Area
ECC Erection Clearance Certificate
ECC End of Construction Certificate
ECC Erection Completion Certificates
ECC Emergency Core Cooling
ECC Engineered Cementitious Composites
ECS EDF Code System French Three-Letter Codes
ORGEDF Electricite de France
EDL Engineer Discipline Leader
EDM Electronic Document Management
EDMS Electronic Document Management System
EDS Electrical Distribution System
EEN Engineering Evolution Note/Notice
EER End of Erection Report Same as TSE
EFS Emergency Feedwater Systems
EFWS Emergency Feed Water Systems
EIR End of Installation Report
EITI Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
EM (-package) Electromechanical (-package)
EM Engineering Management
EOMM Equipment Operation and Maintenance Manuals Same as TPM (Part of Equipment Documentation)
EOMP End of Manufacturing Protocol Inside EOMR
EoMR End of Manufacturing Report Same as TPQ (Part of Equipment Documentation)
EP Erection Procedure
EPD Electric Power Distribution
EPR European Pressurized Water Reactor
EPSS Emergency Power Supply System
EPW Explosion Pressure Waves
ESW Essential Service Water
ESWS Essential Service Water System
ETA Event Tree Analysis
ETCN External Technical Change Note
EYT “Non-classified” safety class
FANP Framatome-ANP
FAT Factory Acceptance Tests
FAT Final Acceptance Test
FA3 Flamanville 3
FBR Fast Breeder Reactor быстрый реактор размножитель
FC First Criticality
FCC Fluid Catalytic Cracking
FC&LPT First Criticality & Low Power Test
FCP Field Change Process
FCR Field Change Request Open Point type
FD Final Documentation
FDC Field Design Change
FDHO Final Documentation Handover
FFAG Fixed Field Alternating Gradient
FFTF Fast Flux Test Facility FFTF
FG Functional Group
FGM Functional Group Manager
FIN Final (Contract Status)
FIP Final Inspection Plan
FIT Final Integration Test
FL Fuel Loading
FLG Fuel Loading
FMEA Failure Modes and Effects analysis
ORGFMEE Finnish Ministry of Employment and Economy
FPCS Fuel Pool Cooling System
FQP Field Quality Plan
FRR Field Revision Request applicable for TI
FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report
FTE Full Time Equivalent
FUD Follow-up Document
FW Finishing Works
Type Acronym or symbol Meaning Comment Link or extra comment
HBO (dedicated – full time, not dedicated – part time) -
GIP General Inspection Plan
GNS General Nuclear Services
HBO Home-Based Offices
HBS Hardwire Back-up System
HDPE High-Density PolyEthylene
HEPF-Filter High - Efficiency Particulate Air Filter
HF Human Factor
HFT Hot Functional Test
HMI Human Machine Interface
HO Head Office
HP Hold Point
HPEM High Power Electromagnetic
HR Human Resources
HSE Health Safety Environment
HTP Heat Treatment Plan
HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
HVAC High Voltage Alternating Current
HWBS Hard Wired Backup System
HX Heat Exchanger
I Classified „non-nuclear“ according to YVL Guide 2.1
I&C Instrumentation and Command
I&C Instrumentation and Control
ORGIAEA International Atomic Energy Agency МАГАТЭ
IB International Business
ICCR Instrumentation & Control Clarification / Change Request
ICN I&C Change Note applicable for Siemencs EFIE
ICT Information and Communication Technology
ILS Instrumentation Lances Storage
ORGINSAG International Safety Advisory Group
IO Inspection Organization
ORG IOLM International Organization of Legal Metrology An intergovernmental organization, created in 1955 and based in Paris, to promote the global harmonization of the legal metrology procedures that underpin and facilitate international trade. oiml.org
IO/M Inspection Organization (Notified Body) contracted by manufacturer(s)
IO/STUK Inspection Organization employed / assigned by STUK
IPI Internal Project Instruction
IRWST In-containment refuelling water storage tank
ISI In-service Inspection
ISI Internal Site Instruction
ISO International Standardization Organization
ITP Inspection and Test Plan
JEA Steam generator
JEW Reactor coolant pump seal injection and leak-off system
JDH Extra borating system
JMA Containment liner
JMQ Containment heat removal system
JN Safety injection and residual heat removal system
ORG JNFL Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited
JNG Low head safety injection system
ORG JSW Japan Steel Works
JT Jominty Test Jominy Test measures Hardenability of steels. Hardenability is a measure of the capacity of a steel to be hardened in depth when quenched from its austenitizing temperature. Hardenability of a steel should not be confused with the hardness of a steel. wiki
KKS German Three - Letter Codes – Kraftwerkskenn- zeichensystem – Plant Indetification System = Plant breakdown structure, Plant Codification System
KMS Key Milestone Schedule
KO protocol Report issued by STUK after a commissioning inspection
KOT Commissioning inspection
ORG KTA Nuclear Safety Standards Commission
ORGKURRIKyoto University Research Reactor Institute
LBE Lead-bismuth Eutectic свинцово-висмутовая эвтетика
LCOE Levelized cost of energy Cost of electricity by source
LHSIS Low Head Safety Injection System
LTIFR Lost Time Injury Frequency Ratio
LOP List of Open Points
LP Large Projects
LPT Low Power Test
LTA Lost Time Accident
LV Low Voltage
LWR Light Water Reactor
Type Acronym or symbol Meaning Comment Link or extra comment
MaDIT Mass document import tool (DCTM)
MBIR Multipurpose sodium-cooled fast neutron research reactor RUS - МБИР - Многоцелевой Быстрый Иссле- довательский реактор
MCL Main Coolant Line
MCR Main Control Room The MCR must remain available if there is an earthquake; MCR equipment required to ensure safety must operate during an earthquake (i.e. the SICS). Other areas may be non-operational, but must not prevent the MCR being used, or jeopardise installations with a safety function.
MDC Minimum Drain Concept
Minimum Drain Concept KTC
Minimum Drain Concept GWH
Mgt Management
ORG MHI Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
MoM Minute of Meeting MoM
MQD Manufacturing Quality Documentation
Mtoe Million of tonnes of oil equivalent
MTS Main Time Schedule A part of the Plant Contract, the highest level schedule
NAB Nuclear Auxiliary Building
NEA Nuclear Energy Agency
NCBA Not Conformed But Available
NCC Nuclear Circuit Cleaning
NCR Non Conformity / Conformance Report
NCI Nuclear Cleanliness Implementation
NGPF in the document name
NI Nuclear Island
NP Nuclear Power
ORG NPCIL Nuclear Power Corporation of India
NPP Nuclear Power Plant
NPPEPC Nuclear Power Plant Exporters' Principles of Conduct
NR Nonconformance Report
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Comission nrc.gov
NSSS Nuclear Steam Supply System
NTIW No Tube In Windows
ORG NUSSAG Nuclear Safety Standards Advisory Group
ORG OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development An intergovernmental economic organisation with 35 member countries, founded in 1960 to stimulate economic progress and world trade OECD
OIO Operation Integrated Organization
OIO Overseas Investment Office
ORG OIML French: Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale - OIML same as IOLM oiml.org
OL3 Olkiluoto 3
OLA Operating License Application
OLG Operating License Granted
OLAR Operational License Application Radiness
OM Operating Manual
OM Operating Manager
ONR Office for Nuclear Regulation Britain
OP Open Point
OPMS Open Point Management System
OTS Overall Time Schedule
PA Performance Appraisal
PAC Preliminary (Provisional) Acceptance Certificate = PTO * PAC
* "Provisional Acceptance Certificate (PAC) A Provisional Acceptance Certificate (PAC) is an owner’s acceptance certificate to contractor when the contractor achieves the requirements of provisional acceptance (PA) criteria in accordance of the contract terms and conditions. (Refer to the Mechanical Completion (M/C), Provisional Acceptance (PC), Hand Over, Care, Custody and Control (CCC), Performance Test, Final Acceptance) "
PAR Preventive Action Request
PCM Product Change Management
PCS Plant Codification System Same as KKS
PDMS Plant Design Management System
PE Power Escalation
PEHD PolyEthylene High-Density
PG Power Grid
ORG PGHO Приаргунское производ- ственное горно- химическое объединение (ППГХО)
PI Project Instructions
PIAP Post Installed Anchor Plates
PIC Product Item Code
PICS Process Information and Control System * PICS
* "Functions of the PICS The PICS has the following fundamental control and information functions: - relaying digital and analogue information from the process, - managing all the Unit actuators that can be controlled individually by commands from the MCR, - displaying the progress and status of processes initiated by commands, - controlling the I&C functions (automatic sequences, control loops, inputting settings, switching between automatic and manual modes, setting parameters and clearing memory) and displaying the corresponding action logs, - annunciating and displaying alarms for functions and equipment that impact directly on the control of the process, - tuning parameters at specific stages, where the tuning relates to the status of the process (if not, the maintenance service does the tuning), - providing information on the availability and administrative status of actuators and sensors, and - displaying alarms when equipment necessary to control the process fails, or when events occur that require special attention from the operator or require him to take action manually."
PICS TPX cabinets
PL Part List
PL Punch List * Punch list
* A punch list is a document prepared near the end of a construction project listing work not conforming to contract specifications that the contractor must complete prior to final payment
PLDL Part List-Delivery List
PMCB Project Management Change Board (Meeting)
POP Plant Overview Panel
PP Project Procedure
PP Physical Protection
PRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment * PRA
* Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) is a systematic and comprehensive methodology to evaluate risks associated with a complex engineered technological entity (such as an airliner or a nuclear power plant) or the effects of stressors on the environment (Probabilitic Environmental Risk Assessment - PERA)
PS Project Specification
PS Protection Systems
PSA Probabilistic Safety Analysis
PSAR Preliminary Safety Analysis Report
PSC Plant Station Code Same as KKS
PSRV Pressurizer Safety Relief Valve
PTO Preliminary Take Over
PTO Provisional Take Over
PTS Partial Time Schedule
PW Pressure Wave
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QCATS Quality Control Activities Time Schedule
QCP Quality Control Plan
QCPCS Quality Control Plan by Conctreting Section
QCR Quality Control Records
QI Quality Inspection
QR Quality Requirements
QR Quality Release
QRP Quality Release Protocol
QM Quality Management QM - protocol
QMS Quality Management System
Type Acronym or symbol Meaning Comment Link or extra comment
RCP Reactor Coolant Pump *
"The RCPs are part of the Reactor Coolant System (RCS); they are located in the cold leg of each of the four primary loops. RCPs are essential mechanical components for the reactor’s safety. They provide with a constant flow a forced circulation of water through the RCS. This water circulation removes heat from the reactor core to the steam generators. The steam produced by the steam generators is then transferred to the turbine island and actuates the turbine to generate electricity. "
RCS Reactor Coolant System
RFC Ready for Construction
RFCC Ready for Commissioning Certificate
RFCC Residue Fluid Catalytic Cracking
RFE Release for Execution
RFT Ready For Training
RHO Room HandOver
RHRS Residual Heat Removal System
RMR Reduced-moderaton Water Reactor
RPV Reactor Pressure Vessel Корпус Высокого Давления
RPVI Reactor Pressure Vessel Internals
RRRFR Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return
RS Review Sheet
RS Release for Shipment
RS Remote Shutdown
RSMS one of the tools management SEE Methods and tools workspace
RSS Remote Shutdown Station
RSP Remote Shutdown Panel
RtOM Relevant to Operation and Maintenance
SBO Station Black Out
SC Supply Chain
SCAR Supplier Corrective Action Request
SCB System Control Block
SCN Shipment number from VPRM
SCP System Commissioning Program
SCOC System Control and Operations Concept
SCPSSA TXS cabinets
SD Site Documentation
SE Safety Engineer
ORG SEF Siemence AG Power Generation
SG Steam Generator
SICS (TXP SICS) Safety Information and Control System The MCR must remain available if there is an earthquake; MCR equipment required to ensure safety must operate during an earthquake (i.e. the SICS). Other areas may be non-operational, but must not prevent the MCR being used, or jeopardise installations with a safety function.
SL Surge Line
SPG Siemence Power Generation
SRP Standard Repair Plan Every repair with approved SRP has to be documented. The reports have to be included in the correcponding FIP/FUD/ITP.
STAR Stop Think Act Report
ORG STUK Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority Finland (from Finnish Säteily- turvakeskus)
TA Licensing Documentation Has integral structure, not subdivided into 1-8 groups
TAF Operation License Documentation
TAP Construction License Documentation
TBC To Be Continued
tce Tonne of coal equivalent Conventional value, based on the amount of energy released by burning one tonne of coal. 1 tce = 0.7 toe = 29,3076 GJ tce
TCM Technical Coordination Management
TCN Technical Change Note
TCP Technical Change Process
TD Design an Engineering Documentation (Part of Equipment Documentation)
TE Erection and Commissioning Instructions
TEC Commissioning Instructions /Programs
TEE Erection Instructions
ORG TEPCO Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc
TFD Test Flow Diagram
TI Turbine Island
TID Total Ionizing Dose Поглощённая доза TID
TO Operation Manual (Overall Plant) Has integral structure, not subdivided into 1-8 groups
TOD Time of Day
TOD Terms of Delivery
TOD Total Oxigen Demand
TOD Test of Design
toe Tonne of oil equivalent A unit of energy defined as the amount of energy released by burning one tonne of crude oil. It is approximately 42 gigajoules toe
TOP Take Over Protocol
TOTO Take Over to Temporary Operation
TM Plant Testing Manual Has integral structure, not subdivided into 1-8 groups
TP Operation and Maintenance Documentation
TPM Technical Project Manager
TPM Equipment Operation and Maintenance Documentation (EOMM)
TPQ Manufacturing Quality Documentation (Quality Records) Same as EOMR; Final version is sent to TVO (Part of Equipment Documentation)
TS Technical Specification
TSC Commissioning Documentation / activities records
TSC Technical Support Center
TSE Site Erection Documentation; End of Erection Report Same as EER
TSN Taishan
TT Training Manual
ORG TVO Teollisuuden Voima Oyj English: Industrial Power Corporation
TXP ( I&C Operational platform (TXP cabinets))
TXS (I&C Operational platform (TXP cabinets))
ORG UKAEA UK Atomic Energy Authority
UCW Ultimate Cooling Water
ORG USEC United States Enrichment Company
VA Vibration Analysis
VC Values Charter
VCS Volume Control System
VPE Vantage Plant Engineering
VPRM Vantage Project Resouces Management
VT Valve Team
ORG VTT Finnish Research Center
WBS Work Breakdown Structure * WBS
* A deliverable - oriented hierachical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables. It organizes and defines the total scope of the project
WD Workshop Drawing
ORG WENRA Western European Nuclear Regulators Association
WO Work Order
WPAR Weldin Procedure Approval Record
WPS Welding Procedure Specification
WPQR Welding Procedure Quality Report
WR Welding Record
WRSC Welding Record Summary Certificate
YVL Guides issued by STUK

Список организаций


МАГАТЭ Международное агентство по атомной энергетике
KURRI Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute
Гибридный реакторAccelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor
Легирование добавление примесей
Подкритический реактор (Subcritical reactor)Реактор работающий не за счёт цепной реакции а под действием внешнего источника нейтронов.

nucl energy

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3. Реклама на моём сайте имеет максимальный уровень цензуры. Если Вы увидели рекламный блок недопустимый для просмотра детьми школьного возраста, вызывающий шок или вводящий в заблуждение - пожалуйста свяжитесь с нами по электронной почте
4. Нашли на сайте ошибку, неточности, баг и т.д. ... .......
5. Статьи можно расшарить в соцсетях, нажав на иконку сети: